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We tell stories to speak the truth about the way things are and proclaim the gospel. God is reconciling all things back to Himself, and stories help tell this greater story. They testify to who God is and what He has done and is doing in Christ, reaching past mere intellect to stir and shape our affections.
Ministry Stories
Tell us what God has been doing and has done in your life while ministering to others. Remember to include answering questions like this: In one sentence please describe the main objective of this story. Where does this story take place? If a missions story, can you provide information about this location that might help set up the culture/need? What defines the group of people being reached? Why did you go? What barriers did you overcome in this situation? Or, what barriers did you overcome in order to go/be involved?
Your Story
One thing we all have in common is that we all have a story to tell. God gives each of us a story to show His power and glory to the world.
If you’d like to share your story, we’d love to hear about it!
How did you first encounter Christ? What first brought you to PBC? What was important to you as you made the decision to become Christ-follower? Has God been teaching you something meaningful lately? Maybe you have a story about how God is shaping you through serving, through your small group or through Sunday morning worship.
Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord
Psalm 102:18
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