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"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." 
- James 1:27
By partnering with local foster care and adoption organizations, Providence Baptist Church is able to defend the cause of the fatherless and uphold the rights of the oppressed so that the unfailing love of The Father might be known. We seek to support the foster and adoptive families within our congregation.

PBC partners with our local Pregnancy Resource Center. If you would like to volunteer or donate click here

Georgia CASA provides trained and supervised volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children involved in juvenile court dependency proceedings. For more info visit their website


Foster Care Interest Meetings: Every fourth Tuesday of the month at DFCS in Buchanan. 
The Solution to the Foster Care Crisis is Simple: The Local Church.
Foster care provides an arrangement through which a family can offer a loving home to children who were removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect. In partnership with a licensing agency, a foster family provides the care kids need while their parents work to correct the causes that led to their removal. For Christian families, fostering is a great opportunity to demonstrate God’s love in broken situations.
If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, click here


Adoption is one way that families can reflect God’s care for the fatherless by legally expanding the number of children in the family. Families work with a licensing agency to prepare and process legal paperwork for a child waiting for a permanent home. Christian homes are well positioned to pursue those kids who are hard to place, including older children, sibling groups and kids with special medical needs.


Although not everyone can care for orphans by adopting or fostering, James 1:27 indicates that we are all to be involved in caring for orphans in some way. At PBC, that happens through serving that provide respite babysitting for foster parents, serving as Guardian Ad Litems, and supporting case workers in local foster care agencies.


Reading for Adoption



Global Orphan Care


Parenting Kids From Hard Places

Providence Baptist Tallapoosa is best church in Haralson County
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1519 Providence Church Road | Tallapoosa, GA 30176 | (770) 574-7922

A Southern Baptist Fellowship

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