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VISION 2020 >>>





When we reflect on all that God has done at Providence Baptist, we’re in awe of how he has changed lives throughout our community and around the world. Who would guess that a rural church would be the kick-starters for a local soup kitchen or on the cusp of planting multiplying churches in a far-flung village in West Africa?


We’re astounded by God’s work in our midst and want to be faithful stewards of the opportunities He has given us. A subtle temptation for a church like ours is to strive only for more; after all, it seems like more programs and more activities would lead to more people in attendance and more lives changed.


Striving only for more may help us grow some over time, but we believe that God has a different vision for us in the days ahead. More attendees in a worship service is great, but more church members reaching their neighborhoods would change our community. More events can be helpful, but more believers engaged in discipleship would be transformative.


As we focus our ministries and events to move people into being discipled and being disciple-makers, we hope to shift from a ministry of addition (that expands slowly through pastoral evangelism and events) to a ministry of multiplication (that explodes through personal evangelism and discipleship).


During this time of Vision 2020, we are asking you to pray and seek God for how he wants you to respond. Prepare your heart to hear him, and then listen to what he says. Connect to a small group if you are not already part of one. Talk with your spouse and your family about what this commitment will mean for this next season. Respond to the generosity of the gospel by giving extravagantly for the progress of the gospel in our church family, among our neighbors, and around the world.


We are asking that everyone make a Vision 2020 Commitment. The fulfillment period for your commitment will begin with our Big Give Weekend on March 4, 2018 and will culminate on January 5, 2020.


Jesus spoke more about money than he did about heaven and hell combined. The enemy wants to rob the church of the joy of giving and allow the church to excuse its failure to give.

Jesus tells us, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). The questions God is calling us to consider are, “What is Christ worth?” and “How much do you long for the progress of the gospel?” According to Jesus, your answers to these questions are found in where you place your treasure. What does your treasure say about your heart for Christ and his gospel?



Facilities and Discipleship


1. Facilities

Here at Providence Baptist, we believe that our facilities are just that; structures that facilitate our mission and the movement of the Gospel. Our ministry is experiencing exponential growth right now. Growth is a good thing, but that means we need to transform our facility allowing for significant growth over several years rather than one that is filling up and running out of space every Sunday. The funds that are currently in our capital improvement funds are to be used for maintenance and upkeep of all facilities and grounds.


New Kids’ Zone

Every parent wants to know that when they drop off their child, he or she will be in a safe environment that partners with them to disciple their children. Right now, many of our children’s ministries and classrooms are spread out all over our campus.


Therefore, there is a simple and affordable solution to this: We propose converting the “old church” into a kids zone. From the front door to the side entrances, will be a kids and teachers only zone. This will allow for plenty of space for kids to interact with each other and their teachers. This will also allow for a one entry and one exit drop off area for parents. We believe this will ensure that our facilities and most importantly – our children – are safe and secure.


This will also involve building a brand-new nursery located in between the two buildings, thus creating a seamless transition from check-in to worship center.


Our check-in area will be designed to look like an airport. Along with that theme, every room in the kids zone will be themed to look like a different country of the world as children are brought up from an early age to engage the lost here, there, and everywhere. All the furniture will be designed with children in mind.


The main worship space for the children will feature an interactive stage and video screens for age-appropriate worship and large group time.


Goal: $20,000


New Offices

As our capacity for new groups and Sunday School classes is needed, we have determined that we need to rearrange and update some of our classrooms. Therefore, we propose that we build out the area under the awning just outside the elevator and add a new office space. This will allow us to more securely and consciously greet visitors during the week, as well as create space for more classrooms where the current office and workspace is located.


Goal: $12,000


Redesigned Lobby & Stage

As we anticipate more and more growth, our need to greet and facilitate community will grow as well. Therefore, we propose enlarging and redesigning our lobby space.


Furthermore, we would like to redesign our stage area in a small way by laying new flooring and updating the lighting.


Goal: $8,000


Beyond 2020: Rotunda

With our elevator and most of our parking spaces on the south and southwest side of our building, as well as no connection from our main building to the family life center, we have plans to add a rotunda. This will enable us to have more classrooms as well as a safe connection so children and students do not have to cross a parking lot. It will also have a visitor’s center, additional classrooms, as well as Acts 1:8 Missions station where people can learn about what we do locally and internationally.


Goal: $50,000























2. Discipleship

We may reach hundreds by growing our programs, but we think we can reach millions by growing our people to make disciples. We’re convinced that one of the most effective ways to grow our church and reach our community is to empower you to do more ministry. In addition to growing the church services, ministries, and events our community loves, we want to equip and empower our members to be the church in our neighborhoods and cities.


And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-13


We may gather together in a building on the weekends, but God has called us to be salt and light far outside the walls of our campus.


Everyone in a Group

As we continue to follow God were He leads us, we feel led as a church to greater obedience to the Great Commission. A large component of this is following Jesus’ command to intentionally make disciples.


Our goal by 2020 is to have 100% of our members involved in a discipleship group of some kind. At the end of a year of being involved in a group, each group member is expected to prayerfully begin their own group, replicating the season of spiritual growth for others as they produce more disciple makers.


Everyone Trained in Evangelism

Our goal is to have every member trained and intentionally seeking out opportunities to have Gospel conversations or start an evangelistic small group.  


There: Next Generation

Making Disciples who Make Disciples into the Next Generation


We seek to multiply disciples not only here, there, and everywhere, but also into the next generations. Our aim is to partner with parents to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples to the ends of the earth.  


1. Pastor & Bus


Student Pastor

As our student ministry continues to grow and more families join our church, our students need a pastor who will shepherd them to love God’s Word and make their faith their own. Therefore, we propose to hire a bi-vocational student pastor.


New Church Bus

Our student bus ministry is one of the most important ministries at our church to raise the next generation to worship Christ and make their faith their own. Not only do our buses pick-up and drop-off students on Sundays and Wednesdays, but they take them, as well as our senior adults, on trips. Therefore, we need a new, 30-seat church bus.


Goal: $65,000


2. Student Missions



One of the most important discipleship tools we have at Providence Baptist is short-term mission trips. We believe that a lifelong commitment to missions often begins with a Short-Term Trip. The Holy Spirit has proved to give people a vision to see his gospel penetrate every people group on earth. We have seen that going short-term often leads to going mid and long-term for many people and it is often during Short-Term Trips that God calls students deeper into his global mission!


Goal: $20,000


Refugee Ministry

The unreached nations of the world are coming to us! Many of the hard to access unreached people groups that would normally be nearly impossible to get to are coming to our back yard. We believe this is God moving in ways to bring many to Himself.


Our vision is to serve the people who have emigrated to the United States as refugees from many nations. Refugees have come from persecution, famine and war torn areas. We will not only open our arms to them, but also expose our students to other cultures so as to disciple them into sharing the Gospel with whole world.


3. Student Camps


Super Wow & Student Life

Over the years, many of our students’ lives have been changed by hearing the Word preached at camp. In the past, we have raised funds for this by selling barbeque plates to those in our community. By giving to our Vision 2020 offering, you will enable future generations of students to go to camp.


Goal: $20,000



Going Across the Street & Around the World


At Providence Baptist, we believe that the Gospel came to you because it is heading to someone else. We care deeply for our church family and our local community. We also feel God is calling our church to be a launching pad for kingdom work throughout the nation and across the globe.


The Great Commission challenges us to make disciples of all nations. Of the 7 billion people alive today, nearly 3 billion have little to no access to the Gospel. We call these people Unengaged, Unreached People Groups (or UUPGs). There are 3,015 distinct UUPGs in the world today, and 322 have a population of more than 100,000 people.


1. Across the Street


100% Involvement in our Outreach Days

Periodically throughout the year, our church family leaves the four walls of the church behind and strategically reaches out to communities and businesses within our town. Our goal is to have 100% of our members regularly participate and perhaps lead these outreach efforts.


2. Across the Nation


Disaster Relief

Disasters provide many opportunities for believers to be the “hands and feet of Jesus”.  Many people have a natural and emotional desire to help other people when tragedy strikes. Therefore, our goal is to facilitate one disaster relief team who are ready at a moment’s notice to provide aid to those who have been devastated by a disaster. Along with this team, our goal is to purchase a Disaster Relief Trailer that can go with the team that would carry chain saws, water, and food delivery equipment.


Goal: $5,000


3. Around the World


West Africa Initiative

Of the UUPGs mentioned above, we have already begun the groundwork of investing in one of them in West Africa. We expect God to work mightily as we embark on the life-changing work of evangelizing the unreached, encouraging local believers, training them in discipleship, and helping to plant churches.


Our plan is to send multiple teams a year to West Africa to assist in planting new multiplying churches.


Goal: $50,000


Here + There Conference

Our goal is to be a catalyst in our community and Baptist Association for local and worldwide ministry.


The drive of this conference is to see a movement of leaders challenging their local church to live out the mission of God both here in West Georgia and Around the World.


Our team of leaders ready to walk alongside local church leaders as they seek to create a culture of outreach in their unique context. Every part of the gathering is intentionally designed by our team to help local churches in the West Georgia area develop your local and global engagement.


Vision 2020

Total Offering Goal



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1519 Providence Church Road | Tallapoosa, GA 30176 | (770) 574-7922

A Southern Baptist Fellowship

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