Pray & Take Action
Periodically, we dedicate one of our worship services to prayer. This December 30th, we are focusing our attention on praying for our leaders, our church, and God's mission for us in 2019. This year, we encourage you to take the time to pray through these topics individually and with your family and group. We also encourage you to consider how you might take action on these issues.
Confess and repent of any strife you've caused or been a part of in this past election season.
Pray for elected and appointed officials (1 Tim 2:2).
Pray for public servants and first responders.
Pray for opportunities where you can engage others as a minister of reconciliation, not combat them on social media.
Praise God that He has broken down the dividing wall of conflict through the blood of Jesus Christ.
Take Action
"Those who lead, read." Be informed about issues that affect our lives and what our leaders must make decisions about. Click the link for a list of sites (not social media) that will help you stay informed.
Involvement in a group and connecting with other believers is critical to one’s spiritual growth as well as praying for one another and the world.
Confess and repent of any indifference to our church or disunity caused by you.
Pray for a spirit of peace, unity and love toward all who are members of PBC.
Pray for our pastor.
Pray for opportunities where you can engage others as a minister of reconciliation.
Praise God that He has been faithful to us in the past and how he has brought people here now for a specific calling.
Take Action
Gospel-centered service is the overflow of discipleship, serving those in and outside the church. One of the ways we pursue and live out this discipleship trait is through volunteer opportunities.
See a trend?
Confess and repent of any indifference to injustice both in our community and the nations.
Pray for direction and guidance from the Lord in how you can minister to the nations.
Pray for a particular people group or nation every day this week.
Pray for those affected by the crisis in Syria and for those who are seeking asylum in other countries.
Praise God that He is pleased to display the glory of the gospel among the nations.
Take Action
Prayer is an integral part of seeing the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) fulfilled Across the Street and Around the World.
The stewardship of our finances is a tremendous area of our lives where we can faithfully proclaim the gospel.
Our goal is to equip and mobilize PBC members to make disciples among those in physical and spiritual need in our community.​
These trips are one of the best discipleship opportunities at our church.